New operational line for UV lacquering

In the second half of the current year, we will start production on our new operational line for UV lacquering. It will help us to expand our business activity in a professional way by extending our service offer to motor, chemical, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The modern operational line is going to ensure production continuity for the sputtering machine and bring about a threefold increase of the daily potential for processing of Fine Detail Plastic in the UV lacquering division. Processed items coated with varnish shall be exposed to UV rays instead of being heated up for 90 minutes in a furnace. The correct installation of the operational line for UV lacquering was carried out by production engineers from France and Italy.

Production line for vacuum metallization of plastics and glass,
maximum Ø 600, H-250, capacity 2 million pieces per month (UV coated items).

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